Ao (Balance)
The main religion of Arabar, worshipped heavily in Garamond and Skaldia
Children of Ao (also considered “aspects” of Ao)
- Asdin (enforcer enforcer of balance, punishment and reward) Symbol=2 axes
Found in Garramond and Skaldia, de-emphasized in Marakeen
- D’Dwyn (secret force of equity) Symbol=the feather
In all realms, but it is a secret society
- The Twins (co-reliance of the forces of light and dark, birth and death, decay and renewal) Symbol=Sun and moon-joined
Heavily worshipped in Marakeen
Dwarves–Ancestor Worship, Symbol of Dwarves=The Great Forge
Elves– All can achieve oneness with supreme intelligence, Symbol of Elves=Tree of Life
Physical Landmarks:
- Marakeen (Persian/Mongolian feel)
- Skaldia (Nordic Feel)
- Garramond (Anglo-Germanic Feel)
- Arabar (Constantinople feel-melting pot of cultures, urbane and accepting)
- Karafey (tenious alliance between Elves and Dwarves- Tyr built into the side of a mountain, Elves-Nimduin the city of spires)
Stone Pillar Mountains– jagged mountains of great elevation that divided the continent West and East
The Pass (Dwarven Controlled)-only known easy way through the Pillars
The Way/ Vagry’s Way (in Marakeen)-the land trade route west to east
The Divide– major river way, trade route, acts as a border between Skalida and Garramond (North and South)
The Briar Pass– a magical pass, time passes differently here, guarded by dryads
The College of the Magi- Run by the registrars only the home center left (located in Skaldia)
The Horse Plains- the grassy steppes of Marakeen, home of Nomadic Clans
Places visited:
- Embassy of the Blind Isle-Ao’s followers attempt at a UN
- Arabar-city-state
- Winter Holt- Chieftain Lor’s winter compound
- Berem-town in Skaldia-home of an orphanage
- Tyr-Dwarven Capitol city
- DarJeel-Winter Capitol of Marakeen
- Unis Mythris- (the Undone City) Ruins of the once great capital city of the elves
- Children’s Temple- Tent city of the cultist who worship Arach (apparently a great dragon who ascended to god status-protector and collector of the down-trodden)
- Ferthe-Capitol City of Garramond
- Durnhold Estate- Home of Spirious Durnhold, Mafia Boss of the Black Shield, based in Garramond outside of Ferthe
- Brightwater Estate- In Ferthe proper, Mara’s “home,” and secret temple of D’Dwyn’s secret works.
- The Trader’s Oasis- trade city 3 days ride outside of DarJeel in Marakeen, strange goods are sold here
- The (once) Sunken Temple-a once secret tomb of the highest holy followers of Ao.